Timeless Homeschool Events, Cullman is honored to be able to offer a traditional graduation ceremony open to all homeschoolers. We are experienced with graduation as our director has also volunteered with Timeless Homeschool Events. We are not a cover school and will not provide your graduate with a diploma; however, we have partnered with Homeschooldiploma.com to make obtaining your graduation supplies easier. You can buy them elsewhere, but parents supply the cap, gown, tassel, diploma, diploma cover, invitations, and any other desired regalia such as honor stoles. We recommend honor stoles for any graduate participating in a dual enrollment program.
Prom and Graduation ticket info-
Once you purchase this ticket, we will email you a separate prom ticket. https://www.timelesscullman.org/prom "Havana" Prom. Get ready for a lively celebration filled with delicious food, lively music, and a touch of magic.
Friday, April 11, 2025
6 pm- 10 pm
Age 14-19
651 Co Rd 1419, Cullman, AL 35058
Frequently Asked Questions
What type of ceremony will this be?
This will be a traditional graduation ceremony, much like public high schools.
Where will it be held?
Our ceremony will be held in the James C. Bailey Center Auditorium at Wallace State Community College in Hanceville, AL.
Who will present diplomas?
The Parents or our master of ceremonies (parent's choice) will present a diploma to each graduate in a formal ceremony. A photographer will be taking pictures of each presentation. If the parent chooses not to present their graduate diploma, the diploma must be given to Timeless Homeschool Events, Cullman staff at check-in.
Will there be a Senior Slideshow?
Yes. Seniors will be emailed this information after registration.
Will there be a valedictorian?
Because we are not a cover school and do not choose valedictorians, we cannot have a valedictorian speaker at our graduation ceremony. Instead, we will have a student speaker. Graduates who want to be considered for this honor are asked to write their speech in essay form and submit it for consideration. A third party will anonymously judge these speeches. One speaker will be chosen to address the audience on behalf of the 2024 graduates. The deadline for submissions is March 1, 2024. Essays should be sent to [email protected]. Please put “Homeschool Graduation Student Speaker" in the subject line.
When is rehearsal?
For easier scheduling for our graduates and their families, we will have a rehearsal on the ceremony day at 1:00 p.m. Please arrive on time so that we may begin promptly.
What color are the caps and gowns?
Students are responsible for purchasing their graduation supplies. We have partnered with homeschooldiploma.com to offer a complete graduation package, including the Cap, Gown, Tassel, Diploma, Diploma Cover, and invitations, but parents are free to purchase from any source. A special link will be provided to each graduate after registration. Graduates are free to choose their preferred color. Please note that business casual dress (no athletic shoes, shorts, flip-flops, or jeans) must be worn underneath the caps and gowns. If ordering independently, please make sure you purchase a tassel as well.
Can the students decorate their hats?
Students are welcome to decorate the tops of their mortarboards. Please keep all decorations on the top of the mortarboard G-rated and in a flat style (nothing elevated above the hat). Pinterest is a great inspiration for decorating ideas. Students, we will be throwing hats at the end of the ceremony!
What is the dress code?
All participants are required to wear business casual dress. NO athletic shoes, shorts, flip-flops, or jeans are allowed.
Will there be a photographer?
A professional photographer will be on hand the day of graduation, and photos from the event will be available at no additional charge to the families. You are also welcome to take your photos. A selfie booth will also be provided.
What is the cost?
Registration costs $100 through Oct 31, 2024 , and regular price $125 through March 1, 2025. Late registraion will be $150. Additional tickets are needed for family and friends who would like to attend the ceremony, but tickets for guests are free up to 7 tickets. They should be added to your cart when the graduate ticket is purchased.
Do you have to be a local student to graduate in this ceremony?
No. There are no requirements as to geographical location, cover school, etc. Any homeschool senior who would like to take part is welcome. Please note that graduates are only able to participate in this ceremony once.
What if I don’t complete the requirements for my diploma until later in the year?
Anyone eligible to graduate during the year 2024 is welcome to join us.
What about diplomas?
Parents are responsible for applying for and obtaining diplomas. Our one-stop package option with homeschooldiploma.com includes everything you need and allows you to personalize your diploma and cover.
Refund Policy: Tickets are Non-Refundable. Please make sure you can attend before buying a ticket.